Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Next Big Thing Blog Hop

I want to thank Daniel Kaye for asking me to take part in The Next Big Thing.

The Next Big Thing Blog Hop is a chance for authors around the world to tell you what they’re working on. The author answers 10 questions about their current project, and tags the person who first tagged them, plus two other authors.

Dec completed his blog hop last week, you can learn more about him on his blog where he answered the set of questions and tagged me.

Here's mine!

1) What is the title (or working title) of your next book?

I'm in the wee morning stages of my newest book, meaning I'm plotting and developing characters. It's called  Spin the Love, and it's about three upper middle class bored teens playing emotional games they have no business playing. It's dark and psychological.

2) Where did the idea come from for the book?

I was sitting outside when I saw a fender bender - an accident. Stuff happens often that messes with our heads and we have to deal with it, some times we deal better than others. But what if we caused our own mental anguish just to see if we could handle it? Just because we're bored and think nothing can shock us anymore.

3) What genre does your project fall under?

Young adult psychological drama (Maybe I'll change the drama to thriller - it depends on where my characters take me)

4) What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?

Saoirse Ronan (Whispy-main character - but she has to dye her hair black since my character does), Emma Stone (Flic - Whispy's frenemy), and Jason Dolley (Teddy - Whispy's best friend).

5) What is a one sentence synopsis of your work?

It's so new I haven't totally wrapped my head around an elevator pitch. I'll give it a go though.
Three teens think they can't handle the boredom, and they find out they can't handle their new love game either.

6) Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

An agency.

7) How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

I'm not even in the nitty gritty of it yet, but my projects usually take six to nine months to write.

8) What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
 Les Liaisons Dangereuses (Dangerous Liaisons), by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos is the only thing I can think of to compare it to right now. Maybe I'll see similarities to other titles as I continue to write.

9) Who or what inspired you to write this book?

My daughter for some reason likes to read books that have an insane asylum in them. My older daughter, who's off the reading bandwagon at the moment, likes to watch American Horror story which is set in an asylum. Basically I decided to write about a teen going crazy because my daughters enjoy that sort of thing. And I  wanted to write it because of what I spoke of earlier:  What if a character's downfall has nothing to do with an accident or an act of passion, but it's her own intentional activity that sends her into a mental spiral?

10) What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest?
My main character is obsessed with her Great-Aunt Whispy (deceased) who was into the roaring twenties scene, for whom my character was named. Whispy wears dresses that look like they might have fit in with the 20s and reads her aunt's journal repeatedly.

So here are my two tags:

Jenna Lehne

Katherine Amabel

You're it!